Saturday, April 18, 2009

What Goes Up Must Come Down...

Physics was my worst subject when I was in secondary school in Nigeria.I did it from Form 3 to the first term in Form 5,before I was kindly'released',or advised as my father preferred to put it,or as I put it,kicked out of the class.
So if I didn't like it,and obviously didn't have the aptitude for it,why did I have to study it in school for two years...

My mother is from Trinidad,she got a scholarship when she finished school in Port of Spain,to study Physiotherapy at McGill University,Montreal,Canada.My father is from Nigeria,he got a scholarship after school in Nigeria to study Mechanical Engineering,also at McGill.They met,obviously,and they married..end of story right?No,just the begining actually,but that is for another day..back to Shade struggling in the physics class,and how it's related to their love story.

I am the third of four girls.The first two did all the right things,that is,they were school prefects,they were quiet,and most importantly...they were willing and able science students!

So where did I come from...that too is for another day!The long and short of it is, I dropped Physics five months to my exams,picked up Government,caught up with three years work in six months,and got an A1 in my O's..not bad for a blockhead...

However,over the years I realized that I had subconciously picked up alot of knowledge in my physics class...I also started being able to relate alot of the theories and laws to real was only then that the subject began to make sense.

The Law of Gravity was my favorite..and not because I was so interested in it,but because our teacher always used to say'what goes up must come down!'In those days Biology was compulsory,I think,and that was slightly more interesting...with all the diagrams on anatomy...and so on..we could relate the law of gravity to the reproductive process..I need not say more!

There were all these laws...and we were taught that they were cast in concrete,and there were no exceptions to the rule,they were called Physical Laws.

Unfortunately,there was another set of laws,equally important,if not more so,that we were not studying in school,and that if we had,would probably have made a major difference to our lives... The Mental or Spiritual Laws.
Mental Laws or Spiritual Laws,as some people prefer to call them,and the Physical Laws together make up The Laws Of Nature.They are similar in that whether we believe them or not they are.It doesn't matter if a man falls from a ten storey building in China or in Burkina Faso,he will fall downwards...and hit the ground!

There are several Mental Laws:The Law of Attraction,The Law of Expectation,The Law of Control,The Law of Cause and Effect,The Law of Correspondence etc.
Alot has been written by different authors on these laws,and they are in fact the foundation of alot of religiously inspired teachings.

If this is so why then do most people not adhere to them in order to achieve their desired objectives?If what goes up must come down,as stated in the Law of Gravity,why is it difficult to believe that You Get What You Expect,and not neccessarily what you want,as stated in the Law of Expectation,or that You Are A Living Magnet,and you attract people and circumstances to you that are in line with your dominant thoughts,as stated in the Law of Attraction.

You are the most powerful transmission tower in the universe,and you must operate at a frequency that will bring everything you want to you!When you think positively,when you think about those good things that you want,when you become in tune,when you begin to focus your thoughts,you will become an energy magnet,and because all those things you want are made up of energy,they WILL be magnetically drawn to you!

The Law of Control says,you feel positive about yourself to the degree to which you feel you are in in control of your life,and you feel negative to the degree to which you feel you are not in control,or that you are controlled by some external force,person or influence.

Take control of your life NOW,empty your mind of old ideas and habits that are holding you back.Life is not a dress rehearsal.You owe it to yourself to be the best that you can be,and remember....

You Can Do It!


  1. Well expressed. I will share this url with some sistas.

  2. great post Shade thanks a million...

  3. @piscean2764....thanks,and thanks for the link to Success University!
    @Thanks Nabou!
    @I hope to keep you reading Afisat!Have a great day!
